Drag Bingo Near Me

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Drag Bingo Near Me

The Sparking Queens of Drag are five queer artists and technicians who travel around the metro area providing bingo fundraisers. They have events in West View, Natrona Heights, and through the Mon Valley as well. The Sparking Queens of Drag are led by Jezebel who has longstanding ties to OUTrageous Bingo. BOOK DRAG BINGO FOR AN ONLINE PARTY. OR AT YOUR VENUE! BRING HILARIOUS FUN TO YOUR CITY. FILL OUT THE FORM COMPLETELY. TELL ME ABOUT YOUR VENUE OR EVENT! Thanks for submitting! Revelry Bar 17 S J St, Lake Worth, FL 33460. Phone (561) 469-1599. The Russian River Sisters (also known as the Russian River Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence) are based in Guerneville, CA and are known for an outrageous Bingo fundraiser held monthly, as well as many other events which promulgate universal joy and expiate stigmatic guilt.

Sacramento Drag Queen Bingo is a monthly charity fundraising event, produced by the Sacramento Rainbow Chamber of Commerce and held the first Thursday of each month, 7 to 9 p.m., at Mango’s Burgertown, 1930 K Street in Midtown Sacramento’s Lavender Heights neighborhood. Cost for eight games of Bingo is $20, cash only, and proceeds benefit a different local non-profit organization each month. Follow our DQB page on Facebook to invite your friends and for updates on the next month’s games, its beneficiary and prizes!

Drag Bingo Near Me

Pittsburgh Drag Queen Bingo

Sacramento Drag Queen Bingo beneficiaries must be 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations and are selected via an application process up to a year in advance. To apply to be a Drag Queen Bingo beneficiary, email businessmanager@rainbowchamber.com your Application Form. Deadline October 1st.


Sacramento Drag Queen Bingo was launched in 2009 by Outword Magazine publisher Fred Palmer and was operated by Outword Media Marketing Events until July 2015, when Sacramento Rainbow Chamber of Commerce took over operations at Outword’s request. Sacramento Drag Queen Bingo has raised more than $150,000 for local non-profit organizations since its inception in August 2009. The event continues to enjoy strong community support and is a popular venue for birthday celebrations, bachelorette parties and office team-building, typically selling out to standing-room-only each month.

Drag Queen Bingo Near Me

The participation of local drag personalities, such as Sacramento’s Do Me Moore, and bawdy call-back responses to the Bingo numbers (B-11: Legs to Heaven; I-21: Finally Legal) are a large part of the rowdy fun. Prizes, provided by the benefiting organization or community partners such as California Musical Theatre, are awarded to the winner of each of the eight games. In addition to proceeds the game, beneficiaries are given a designated time to pass the bucket or raffle off a prize to generate additional donations.

Drag Queen Bingo Near Me 2020

A broad range of organizations have benefited from Drag Queen Bingo fundraisers, including WEAVE, Alzheimer’s Association, NorCal AIDS Cycle, Sacramento Gay Men’s Chorus, Sacramento LGBT Community Center, Albee Aware Breast Cancer Foundation, Gender Health Center, and Front Street Animal Shelter, to name just a few. Organizations typically raise between $500 and $1,500 per game.